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i don’t know about you, but there are times when i feel as if life is passing me by. There can be a boring/drifting/lost kinda feeling. Alex, in this week’s message, talked about a mundane-ness that can be pervasive in life. And in this case, Moses’ life, which seemed to be going nowhere – no ambitious, no hope, no direction.

Alex brings up this amazing observation: Moses in the mundane-ness of his life asks God, “Who am I?” and God replies, “I am who I am.” In fact it is not so much about who Moses is, but indeed, who God is.


So often, when faced with questions, personal doubts, or difficult situations – i ask myself – who am i? am i good enough? am i able? am i enough? I follow God, not because of my own ability, or my own worth – but because God is God. And when he calls me to do his work, I go not by my own strength, but by my faith and confidence in Him.

God is who God is. And whether my abilities are weak or strong, or my faith is weak or strong – God remains as true and as steadfast as always.

On a side note, I’ve always liked the fact that God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. To me, i see that fire burns because of the wood. The bush, would be the fuel for the fire. But in this case, the fire burns, never consuming the wood. It’s as if the fire itself was this perpetual source of energy. It reminds me of what Jesus says later – that He is this spring of living water. “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

In the mundane-ness of modern life – there is this hope, this promise, that through Christ there is this eternal/endless/unconsumable source of energy and life. How amazing is that.

-Bert Han

This was a continuation of our series for this year. You can find the entire series at the BCEC Sermon Page or listen to last week’s sermon directly – The Holy God

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