So a year ago, I went out and bought WiiFit. Part of me believed that somehow by purchasing WiiFit, I’d become more proactive in exercising and keeping myself in shape. It was like how people get gym memberships hoping that the cost would somehow encourage them to have a more active lifestyle.
The thing about WiiFit is that it helps you set targets, and encourages you to meet them. In fact it keeps track on whether you are using it everyday. So if you missed a few days here and there, the little animated WiiFit board would say, “I’ve missed you,” or “Haven’t seen you in a few days.” A subtle guilt-ing to hopefully inspire you to inaction.
A year later, WiiFit lies inactive underneath my sofa, and my Wii is on semi-permanent loan to Alex & Betty. I’m afraid to turn WiiFit on again, for fear that the little animated WiiFit board will appear and say, “Who are you? You abandoned me to die!!”
Where I was going wrong with the WiiFit was that I wanted WiiFit to “prompt” me into action, instead of desiring to be active myself. My mindset was never one of action, but one that needed to be prodded into action.
As Rob West shared with us this Sunday, being a Christians doesn’t mean you’re part of church — you are church! We are the body of Christ, by the very fact that we are saved, and belong to Jesus. We don’t have a calling to be part of an active church, rather, we need to realise that as Christians, we ARE his active church.
It is the very Spirit of Christ which dwells in us that transforms our heart and mind to be His church. As Rob put it, What we are (as a body) is because of a communal, personal, revelation of God.
It is an amazing thing to be defined by God — to be chosen, called, and loved by Him.
As it’s written in 1 Peter 2:9-10
You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Let’s continue to spur one another one to Love God more, and love our neighbours more. And continue to let the Holy Spirit challenge and convict us from the inside out — so that we don’t become spiritually “unfit” but continue to be shaped like Him. 🙂
This was a continuation of our series for this year. You can find the notes of the message as well as the worship at the BCEC Sermon Page or listen to last week’s sermon directly – Exploring Community: Active.