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So regretfully, this week’s sermon didn’t record! Apparently, i’d turn down the line input so i recorded an hour and half of silence. Nice. I suppose that would have worked better for the message on Solitude.

We had the privilege of having Kenny Gan speak to us this past Sunday, and as usual it was challenging, inspiring, and typically kenny gan funny. And as he spoke about spiritual disciplines and modelling Christ with our lives, there were a couple things that he said that really stood out.

It seems, the secret to modelling Christ with our life — is, well, to become like Christ. And the secret to becoming like Christ –is, well, to yield to him.

I mean, that’s the problem isn’t it? We spend so much time fighting Christ – wanting to do things our own way. Getting the things that we want. Doing the things that we want to do. That we simply refuse to yield to him. I’m reminded of the scene in Bruce Almighty, when Bruce (Jim Carrey), simply cries out to God saying, “I surrender.”

By yielding to Christ, we discover that we become more like Him.

This was Episode 4 in our series of Inner and Outer life. I didn’t record it properly so we’re all missing out this week. Sowee!!

Posted in 2011 Love Beyond.