Coincidentally, as this past Sunday our service was focused on the meaning of worship, Mark Driscoll over at The Resurgence posted an article called “What is worship?” (also coincidentally, both Alex and Witek sent Kay and myself links to said article.)
Driscoll writes, “Worship is not merely an aspect of our being, but the essence of our being as God’s image-bearers. As a result, all of life is ceaseless worship.” It’s the idea that we are continual worshippers. It defines who we are and who we were created to be. There is never a moment where we stop worshipping. Because God, in his Trinity, created man in his image.
“As the doctrine of image reveals, human beings are unceasing worshipers. We are not created to worship, but rather we are created worshiping. Everyone worships all the time. Atheists, agnostics, Christians, and everyone in between are unceasing worshipers. Everyone, everywhere, all the time, is always worshiping. While the object and method of worship varies, the act of worship does not.”
If we are continual worshippers, the question then is, what or who is the object of our worship? What is it that receives our praise? The very notion that we are constantly worshipping should then transform our daily behaviour and attitudes. Your work becomes an offering to God (do all for the glory of God). Your driving is an act of worship and adoration to the King. Your conversations reflect Christ your Lord.
It does not mean every moment is filled with a thought of God, but rather that the motives for your actions, the spirit of your work, the heart of your interactions with people should be one of worship. I do all things for the glory of God. I choose to forgive for I have been forgiven. I gladly bless my enemies for I have been granted the same grace from God. I strive for the best, because my work is an offering to Him. I use my Tongue to build up, not to destroy. I turn my eyes and thoughts away from sinful things, for my mind and body is the temple of God.
And so the question left lingering in the air is, what are you worshipping? Who did you just worship together? Who or what has gained your affection and adoration?
So then, let your life be a song of praise, a fragrant offering to God.
These were some thoughts from the fourth in our series Our God, Our Church, Our City : Love Beyond The message is available here and previous messages and weekly Bible studies are available on the Sunday messages page.