Do you have siblings? I’ve got two sisters, and growing up I couldn’t help but find myself comparing my skills and abilities to the ones that they had. My older sister was smart, well read, and very artistic. My younger sister was socially adept, clever, smart and hard-working. And me, in the middle, usually felt that I was neither here nor there.
And then when we read Romans 12:6, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us,” I imagine many of us wonder what gifts we have, and whether we have any at all. The Bible talks about each of us being given gifts to build up the body – gifts to bless and encourage the church – but many of us don’t know what our giftings are, or how we can even use them. Sometimes, we need some help and guidance to discover what our gifts are.
For four Sundays, starting July 24, from 18:30-20:30, we are going to be having a special teaching workshops on our spiritual gifts. Bryan, from Pioneers, is going be teaching us and helping us discover the giftings that God has given each of us. This is vital for helping all of us being released into body life.
So sign up now!
It’s a great opportunity to take a next step in your growth with Christ.