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I went to the doctor last week (finally!) to get some antibiotics for my long lingering cough. And yes, I’m nearly to the end of my antibiotics course (1 more to go!), and my cough is still as persistent as ever. My son also went to the doctor as he’s had a cough for a few months now, and the doctor gave him nothing. My friend went to A&E because of an injury. He told the doctor about his allergy to codeine, and the doctor still gave him painkillers with a large amount of codeine in it. And my friend ended up coming to my house and vomiting.

Yes, for those of us in Britain, we have become accustomed to life with the NHS (National Health Service). And in true British style, we love to complain, moan, and generally “diss” our public healthcare system. But last week, as I was doing my usual complaining and griping, I was convicted by my words. I mean, everyone complains. Everyone has something to complain about. And yes, things can definitely be improved. But I was convicted because I had forgotten who I was. I’m not just a sick person demanding service from an industry. I’m not someone who’s taxes should guarantee health care. No no no. I’m much more than that. I am a child of God, and an ambassador on his behalf. And if I spent even half the time praying instead of complaining, I wonder what sort of miracles would transpire instead.

Yes, any fool can complain about the NHS. But only the God-fearing and wise pray for the doctors. Because life as a doctor is not easy. Life in the NHS is not easy. There are decisions to be made. Things to recall from memory. Patients to deal with. Bureaucracy to navigate through. On-calls to respond to. Working nights to stay awake through.

So let’s pray. Pray for the doctors. Pray for the nurses. Pray for the statisticians and technicians. Let’s pray for the midwives and the administrators. Let’s pray for everyone in the health services. Because we are houses of prayer – interceding on behalf of those who don’t yet know how awesome our God is.

This week’s mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pray for and bless all of those in the health services. Pray blessing into their lives and situations. And the freedom of Jesus to spring forth in their lives.
Pray for the doctors you know. Pray for your specific local surgery. Lift up your GP’s, surgeons, pharmacists, nurses.

Go. Pray. Now.

PS. If you’re in the health services, and you’ve got a prayer request, or an idea on how we can pray for you, drop a request in the comments. 🙂

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