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Today is Holy Saturday.
I slept in late, hung out with friends, made scones, and watched a tv show.
How did you spend your day?

It’s hard to be mindful of the deeper spiritual realities to life, even in the more obvious times like Easter. But tonight I came across an article by Tim Challies that helped me remember just what we celebrate come Easter Sunday.

The supreme malediction, the ultimate curse from God, the very opposite of that great blessing … might go something like this:

May the Lord curse you and abandon you. May the Lord keep you in darkness and give you only judgment without grace. May the Lord turn his back upon you and remove his peace from you forever.

What is so astounding to me is that this malediction is exactly what God pronounced upon Jesus Christ. In the hours that Christ was on the cross, God cursed and abandoned him, he kept him in the outer darkness and gave him judgment without grace. God turned his back upon him and removed his peace. The only word that did not apply to Jesus was forever. Christ and Christ alone could suffer in such a way that he emptied God’s wrath against sin. In those few hours on the cross, he faced an eternal punishment until God’s wrath was satisfied, empty, complete.


Click here to read the rest of the article, and remember, Christ is risen indeed.

Posted in Special Events, Sunday Service, Thoughts.