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We’ve got a special event coming up. On April 26, 7:30pm-10:00pm we’ll have the chance to hear and engage with Mrs Cheung-Ang Siew Mei.

Mrs Cheung-Ang Siew Mei is chief executive of the charity Christian Action. As well as a range of projects working with the most disadvantaged people in Hong Kong, Siew Mei pioneered Christian Action’s work with children in remote Qinghai Province in north west China. Their goal is to do everything in their power to save the life of each child they encounter and help them reach their unique potential. Through children’s homes and rehabilitation centres for disabled children, they have cared for over 800 orphans and abandoned children, 400 of whom have a disability. They operate in partnership with the provincial government as an openly Christian organisation and have now worked in Qinghai for 13 years.

This is an awesome opportunity to hear and find ways to get involved.
Join us for this special event.

April 26, 2012
@ the BCEC

You can read more about Siew Mei and Christian Action on her blog.

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