CORE is entering it’s second season here at the BCEC. We learnt a lot last year about how to encourage and care for this generation of university students. And at the end of that time, we were even more convicted that the university years are crucial for training, ministering, and building up followers of Jesus.
One thing that we took away from last year was how important it is to develop honest and genuine relationships with people. But we also discovered how hard that is. We’re in this culture where it’s all about “the show”, so it’s hard to be willing to open up to one another. The other difficulty is that it’s hard to find (or make) time to invest in those kinds of relationships.
So to tackle that, this year we’re taking CORE and creating CORE Groups. We’re going to be putting together smaller groups where we can begin to develop friendships that aren’t just for University, but could become life-long friends. And even greater is developing an eternal relationship with God himself. We believe that the CORE groups are going to be a great place for University Students to create and develop relationships with one another and with God.
Of course, the road to friendships and deeper relationships begins with a first step. With that in mind, we’re kicking off CORE (beta) Season 2 with two fantastic events.
We’ve got a crazy-treasure-hunt-city-search coming up on Saturday 22nd. And then on the 26th of September we’re planning a hot-pot-feast-extravaganza at the BCEC. So come and join us. Feel free to drop a comment in the box and we’ll get in touch with you. Or come and find us on facebook.
City Search
22nd September
Starting at St. Martin’s (the church by the Bullring)
Hot Pot
26th September