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This year’s missions weekend is a little different to the ones in the past. Instead of just having one keynote speaker for Saturday and Sunday, we’ve turned Saturday into a day that’s more engaging with a variety of workshops and speakers to come and listen to.

Some of the workshops titles are:
Teaching & Missions – Is there a Connection?
Holistic Mission in Africa
Prepare Your Next Generation to Reach the Nations
How Did Korea Become a Mission Sending Nation
Stories Behind Mission

And the whole event kicks off with a Prayer Breakfast, where you’ll have a chance to hear from the missionaries we support, get up close and personal with some of them, as we join together and pray for them. And the breakfast is included!

So join us this Saturday, 16 March for Mission Saturday.
And then on Sunday 17 March, we have a special guest speaker, Paul Hutchinson, who will be sharing in all three congregations.

09:45-11:00 Meet and pray with our Missionaries
(breakfast included)
11:00-11:30 Welcome & Worship
11:30-13:00 Choose your seminar
13:00-14:00 Lunch & Exhibition
14:00-15:30 Choose your seminar
15:30-16:00 The future, our missionaries, and prayer
16:00-16:30 Worship

Posted in Special Events.