on Saturday 9th March,
come along between 11am-2pm,
at the BCEC, 14 Upper Gough St. B1 1JG
We’re thrilled to announce that there’s a lot of goodies up for grabs! There’s Arts & Crafts, Jewellery, and Chinese desserts and snacks, as well as western baked goods too! There’s also rumours of live-music too, which we’re super excited about!
With all the efforts going into this event, thanks to the BCEC Fundraising team, we would love for you to come along! And let’s not forget to mention, this is a wonderful outreach opportunity to invite your friends, especially non-believers! It’s a great way to bring them to church, but to a casual laid-back setting 🙂
The purpose of this event is to continue with our fundraising for the Building Fund, so we’d love for you to bring extra cash for generous donations! Come and join us as we have some fun, chatting to friends or making new friends, and fellowshipping over lovely food and fun!