It’s that time of the year again, no not Christmas, but the lead up to Easter. It’s something we like to call Lent in the church circles. And in our church, we love to partake in a church-wide reading during the Lent season. This year, Lent officially begins Wednesday 26th February and ends Easter Sunday 12th April.
Previous Lenten readings also included 40 Days of Faith, 40 Days of Impact, Praying through the Psalms… But this year, we wanted to do another series 40 Days of [blank].
It was tricky trying to find a title, but we knew one thing was certain: God wanted us to explore together the book of 1st John. And the premise of that book is the overwhelming, never-ending, sacrificial, unconditional redeeming love from our heavenly father. But unfortunately, we can’t call it 40 Days of Overwhelming, Never-ending, Sacrificial, Unconditional Redeeming Love, so I figured, let’s keep it simple and just call it 40 Days of Redeeming Love.
And that’s what it is, a collection of Redeeming Love readings taken from 1st John, for our church to read together daily. We will be asking God to show us and teach us more about his Redeeming Love for us, our families (or households) and our wider community–during this lent season.
It’s going to be exciting to see how God speaks to us daily, and I’m super keen on hearing stories from other brothers and sisters too!
Not only so, for our English congregation we’ll be coming back every Sunday to hear from the Pastoral Team, a sermon about that passage we are reading for that week. So that’s doubly cool!
Without further ado, pick up your paper copy this Sunday at church. Otherwise, you can download the e-copy here:
Lent 2020 : 40 Days of Redeeming Love A4 ebook pdf
Lent 2020 : 40 Days of Redeeming Love A5 booklet ready to print pdf