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Good Friday is coming soon. We know how difficult it is to try and teach kids about Good Friday and what Jesus has done for us. Phan and I have tried to put together some activities that take the kids through 4 places with Jesus. It’s geared more for kids 3-8, but if you’ve got older kids, try and ask more questions about how Jesus might have felt during each of the stages, and adapt it how you think your kids would respond best.

It goes through 4 different parts of the Good Friday story. Starting with the Lord’s Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, to Jesus before the Sanhedrin, and then the Crucifixion. I’ve included some ideas for activities for each section, a passage from the Bible, and something for the parents to read or explain to the kids. And then another activity for the kids to do.

The most important part is for you as parents, to find ways to bring Jesus into your relationship and conversations with your children. The most important part is being able to sharing that time together with the family, and sharing your own relationship with Jesus with them through it.

Download the Good Friday Journey
Good-Friday-Journey.pdf (233 downloads )

Posted in Sunday Service.