伯明翰中华福音教会BCEC 30週年庆典:
上帝的信实——过去、现在和未来(The Past, The Present, And The Future)
教会欢迎您邀请朋友和家人参与我们的周年纪念活动。 当天将会与所有BCEC会众以三种语言参与整天的敬拜感恩和团契。集体反思上帝对过去日子的信实,分享祂今天的信实,当然也祷吿著期待祂对我们教会未来的信实!
我们很高兴地宣布, 即将来临(延期了的)周年志庆聚会,门票现在可供索取。
新的周年志庆地点:Eastside Rooms, Woodcock Street, Birmingham, B7 4BL.
活动时间:下午一时开始 下午五时结束
- 订票人姓名
- 手提电话号码
- 电邮地址
- 哪一个聚会
- 需要多少张门票
- 需要实体门票还是电子门票
Is there parking available at this venue? 場地有沒有停車場?
- Yes. However, there are only paid car parks available close by.
- Millennium Point Multi Storey, located off Howe Street, B4 7AP.
- Aston University car park, located off Holt Street, B7 4BH.
- 有。但只有在附近的付費停車場。
- Millennium Point Multi Storey, 在Howe Street進入,B4 7AP。
- Aston University car park, 在 Holt Street進入,B7 4BH。
Is there a Drop Off / Pick Up Point for taxis? 有的士上落客地點嗎?
- Yes, there is a drop off point outside the Eastside Room venue.
- 有。在Eastside Room 場地外有落客點。
Where are the closest train stations to the venue? 最近的火車站在哪裏?
- The venue is within walking distance from Birmingham Moor Street & Birmingham New Street train stations.
- Birmingham Moor Street 及Birmingham New Street火車站都在場地的步行範圍之內。
Do you have info on accommodation before / after the event? 有沒有活動之前/之後的住宿資料?
- The venue we are booked at is part of a hotel called ALOFT Birmingham Eastside.
- You will need to book directly through their website here:https://www.marriott.co.uk/hotels/travel/bhxal-aloft-birmingham-eastside/
- 我們預訂的活動場地是屬於ALOFT Birmingham Eastside酒店的一部份。
- 您可以在酒店的網頁直接預訂住宿:https://www.marriott.co.uk/hotels/travel/bhxal-aloft-birmingham-eastside/
Does the venue have accessible toilets / allow wheelchair access? 場地有沒有無障礙廁所/輪椅通道?
- Yes, it is a fully accessible venue, with changing places toilet on the ground floor, and disabled toilets on the 1st and 2nd floors.
- 有。這是一個無障礙場地,在地下有更衣室及廁所,在1樓及2樓有傷健廁所。
Will there be food and refreshment this time? 這次會不會提供食物及茶點?
- Unfortunately, this event will not be fully catered. The event will start at 1pm, so we trust you will join us after your Sunday breakfast/brunch/lunch!
- We will, however, have a 3pm half an hour refreshment break with tea and coffee available.
- 不好意思,這次活動不會提供餐點。活動在下午一時開始,相信各位會在進食過星期日早餐/早午餐/午餐後到來參與!
- 可是我們可以在下午三時的小息,提供咖啡或茶。
May I bring my own food and refreshments? 我可以攜帶自己的食物及點心嗎?
- Please do not bring food to this event, unless you have young children that require snacks, food or drink during the event time.
- A water bottle or flask should be acceptable by the venue.
- 請不要攜帶食物進入會場, 除非你有年幼的小孩需要在活動進行期間補充點心、食物及飲品。
- 場地方面應該可以允許攜帶一個水樽或水壺。
What is the difference between the two services? 兩場聚會之間有甚麼分別?
BCEC Main Anniversary Service:
- For those without children.
- Languages: English, Mandarin and Cantonese translated service
- Worship in three languages, collective church communion, choir performances, dance performance and sharing.
- Doors open from 1pm.
- Finishes at 5pm.
Anniversary Family Service:
- Suitable for parents and children from age 0-11
- All children attending MUST be accompanied and supervised and sat with their parent/guardian during the family service.
- Languages: English only
- Children’s worship in English only
- Dancing, singing, small craft, puppet, talk and prayer.
- Doors open from 1pm.
- Finishes at 5pm.
- Merchandise available for purchase in the Main anniversary service hall only.
- 適合沒有兒童的人士
- 語言:英語、國語及粵語即時傳譯
- 三語敬拜讚美、聯合聖餐、詩歌班獻唱、舞蹈表演及分享。
- 下午一時進場
- 下午五時完結
- 紀念商品仍可供購買
- 適合家長及零至11歲的兒童
- 聚會期間, 所有兒童一定要有家長/監護人陪伴及看管, 以及和家長/監護人坐在一起。
- 聚會語言:只有英語
- 跳舞、唱歌、手工、人偶表演、短講及祈禱。
- 下午一時進場
- 下午五時完結
- 紀念商品只可以在大聚會禮堂內購買
What does the schedule look like? 活動程序如何?
I have pre-ordered a thermos flask / water bottle, how do I pick up / pay? 我已經預訂了暖壺/水樽, 要怎樣領取/付款?
- Merchandise such as the thermos flask or water bottle will be made available at the merchandise desk for pick up and to be paid on 16th October.
- 暖壺及水樽等商品可以在10月16日在商品櫃檯領取及付款。
I have not pre-ordered any merchandise! Can I still buy on the day? 我沒有預訂紀念商品啊!可以在當天購買嗎?
- Not a problem! We have ordered extra to be sold on the day to those who missed out on the early pre-orders. The products are available while stock lasts.
- 沒問題!我們訂購了額外的商品以供來不及預購的人購買。 存貨有限,售完即止。
What payment methods will you accept for the merchandise? 可以用甚麼途徑付款?
- Our team will accept the following methods:
- Card payment (via QR code. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, or Union Pay),
- Online Bank transfer to our church account,
- or as a last resort we will accept cash for those who cannot pay online.
- We generally favour online payments.
- 我們的團隊會接受下列方法付款:
- 銀行卡付款(透過QR二維碼、Visa、 萬事達、美國運通、大來信用及銀聯)
- 網上銀行轉賬至教會戶口
- 不得已下,我們也可以接受不能網上付款的人用現金進行付款。
- 我們偏向接受網上付款
How much are the merchandise for sale? 紀念商品售價多少?
- Water bottles 水壺 £10
- Thermos Flasks 暖壺 £15
- 30th Anniversary Testimonial Book 30週年紀念書刊 £10
Do I still need a ticket if I am a Volunteer serving on the Hospitality Team or Worship Team?如果我有參與做義工,領詩歌敬拜,表演節目,是否也需要買票?
- Yes, all people attending, and even serving should have a ticket to ensure we have enough space and seats.
- 對的,都需要買票,以方便籌備組確定有足夠的空間與座位。
Hospitality Team and Worship Team:
- We will wait for our existing Hospitality Team volunteers to confirm if they can still help. If we need more, we will advertise after 1st October.
- Ansy or Annette should have been in contact with our existing Hospitality Team members by email/SMS. Please confirm with them no later than Friday 30th September if you can help on the 16th October and if you are happy with your agreed time slot.
- On Sunday 9th October at BCEC Main Hall, from 5pm-6pm, we will have an in-person volunteers briefing meeting (volunteers for those serving on the Hospitality Team, interpreters, A/V tech team and Worship Team). We will have live-stream available if you cannot attend in person on that date. Please let Annette know so we can send you the live-stream Zoom link.
- 我們會等待現有的招待小組義工們確認他們當天是否仍然有空。如果我們需要等多人,我們會在10月1日之後招攬。
- Ansy和Annette應該已經以電郵/短訊和現有的招待小組成員聯絡。 請在9月30日星期五之前,與她們確認您是否仍然能夠幫忙,並確認是否對編排的時段感到滿意。
- 在10月9日星期日下午五時至六時,我們會在BCEC大堂進行一次面對面的 義工簡報會(招待小組、傳譯員、影音科技小組及讚美敬拜小組的義工們)。如果您不能夠親身出席,我們也能夠提供網上直播。請讓Annette知道是否需要把Zoom會議的鏈結發送給您。