Happy New Year Everyone! 

2025 has arrived! That’s a quarter of a century into the new millenia! It definitely feels like the days go slow, but the years go fast. Each day might beel like a grind, but before you know it another year has passed. 

It’s in the little ways that our days are spent that add up to what our years might look like. I’m always reminded of the artform pointillism, probably made most famous by Georges Seurat, and his painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (Un dimanche après-midi à l’Île de la Grande Jatte.) With pointillism, each little dot, a different colour, in a different place, adds up together to create a wider image, that can only be seen at a distance. Each point on its own may be distinct, but collectively they create a different image, and those images create a scene, and the scene itself invites us as viewers into it. 

The painting itself, took two years to complete, with different studies of colour, brush sizes, and stroke types, along the way. Bringing the painting to life was a journey itself. 

Individually, our days and years are points that make up an image of ourselves. And then collectively, we each are points that come together creating an image. 

The questions are, what is the image that we are creating, and who is our painter?

Those sorts of ideas are what we’re exploring in our theme for 2025 : Journey Together. It’s a commitment to growing and developing, so as to be the best we can be for God’s glory. And then it’s a journey corporately. A willing investment into how we learn, serve, bless, and grow alongside one another, and how we might impact the world around us.

To do so requires us to be humble, gracious, teachable, eager to learn, and have a willingness to try. 

In Philippians 3:13 it says, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” 

The transformed life that comes with the grace of Jesus Christ, means we now have the opportunity to live this life pressing forward, discovering new ways to love God more, and to love one another. 

So let’s Journey Together this year. 


Posted in Sunday Service.