On Sunday we had our first worship service of 2015. We were introduced to the theme verse of this year, based on Micah 6:8. This is a verse that I, personally, really really love. But have never really truly explored it in full. So when Bert went up to preach on it this past Sunday, we were all in for a treat.
Bert highlighted how this theme verse has three active verbs:
Micah 6:8 (ESV)
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
The nerd in me, loves it when we talk grammar at church! Ask any child in primary school (or even high school) what are verbs? The answer is, they are “doing” words, or “action” words. They are active. And these three active verbs are exactly that: active. So for some of us that can be incredibly passive and lazy, it’s a big wake up call to get up and go for it. It demonstrates one clear thing: a life of Christ.
Do Justice: A life where there is a desire for Justice: confronting those who are abusing the system, helping the oppressed and marginalised.
Love Kindness: to demonstrate Christ’s compassion to those around us in this broken world, after all, we all are broken. And finally…
Walk Humbly with your God: because we can’t do anything with our own strength, we need to humble ourselves, walk with God, relying on Him as a source of strength. For the Holy Spirit to help us.
These three verbs don’t come easy for some of us. But this is my prayer, that this year, as a church, we can all explore these things together, not just with our friends, but to do so cross-generationally and even cross-congregationally too.
I’m really looking forward to what God has in store for our church this year. Maybe while we all grow and learn, He’ll bless us with a new church building too? Keep praying guys! Keep praying!
If you missed the sermon, you can listen to it here.